African Youth SRHR Scorecard 2020


The goal of the African Youth SRHR Scorecard was for youth to empower themselves to conduct their own research which they will use to advocate for accountability on their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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To do this we worked with youth-led organisations in 4 African countries:

  • In Kenya: Ambassadors for Youth and Adolescents Reproductive Health Programme (AYARHEP)
  • In Malawi: Centre for Youth and Development
  • In Zambia: Centre 4 Reproductive Health and Education
  • In Zimbabwe: Students and Youth Working on Reproductive Health Action Team (SAYWhat)

As with most of our work, this project will use our Accountability Literacy training which engages youth in learning about the mechanisms for demanding accountability against the commitments that have been made to youth. We did this by facilitating Accountability Literacy and Scorecard Development Workshops and thereafter mentoring, using Participatory Action Research as a method.