Strengthening Africa’s Country Coordinating Mechanisms 2012 – ongoing


Accountability International has been working on Global Fund on AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) Country Coordinating Mechanisms since 2012 and a large body of work exists in this area.

You will find here a variety of work in this area, but the website does not contain all our work on CCMs.

Our long term goal has always remained the same:

In order to achieve this goal the projects aims are:

1. Increase transparency (usually using data and research);

2. Promote dialogue between and amongst stakeholders and to ensure the voices of the most marginalised are meaningfully included;

3. Ensure action and practical steps are taken and resources allocated to make the necessary changes.

The overall medium term goal of this initiative is to increase the meaningful participation of marginalised people and communities infected or affected by the three diseases in Country Coordinating Mechanisms.

If you require further information please contact info[AT]accountability[DOT]international

This work was led by Phillipa Tucker (2010 - 2019) with Gemma Oberth (2011-2014).

This project has been made possible by the generous support of
